2023 Legislative Highlights
Penalizing Fentanyl Trafficking - Signed by the governor this law creates a criminal offense and increased penalties for trafficking fentanyl
Repealing CON - Passed by the House Certificate of Need requirement that prohibits healthcare providers from building new facilities or expanding services has been repealed! This will allow for more options in healthcare with less cost to patients.
Banning CRT - Passed by the House
Critical Race Theory has no place in our classrooms. The Transparency and Integrity in Education Act will prevent the teaching of Critical Race Theory in
schools and ensure students learn a broad scope of history without being indoctrinated through a liberal lens.
Protecting Life - Signed into law
We passed the Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act that will protect life beginning with the first heartbeat and ban abortions after a heartbeat is detected except in cases of rape, incest, life of the mother and fatal fetal anomalies
Promoting Workforce Development - Signed into Law
The Statewide Education and Workforce Development Act streamlines the State’s workforce development efforts through the Department of Employment
and Workforce (DEW). By improving efficiencies and achieving a more coordinated approach in the
workforce and education pipeline, we will be able to prepare future generations for their career paths.
Expanding School Choice - Signed into Law The Education Scholarship Trust Fund will provide eligible elementary and secondary students with scholarships to cover education expenses at the school of their choice. This is a critical step to create a more equitable education system in South Carolina, empowering parents to make the best educational choice for their children.
Restructuring DHEC - Signed into Law This law will modernize and streamline this government agency to make it more efficient